Thursday, March 22, 2012

Where is the time going?!

Hello, end of March?!?! I can't believe how fast these past few months have gone. Although I'm a lunatic getting ready for this fashion show, I'm absolutely in love with the weather. All I want to do is lay in a park in the sun. Sadly, not gonna happen. I've been working really hard on my final thesis (fashion show) that is taking place the end of May, and I just wanted to say that I will be updating about that more often (it's getting exciiiitiiiing). 

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this, but there are only 4 other girls in my class. We want to show as much as we can, so instead of designing the mandatory 3 looks, we're all doing 5-7 looks. We also have an amazing group of professors who have helped get fabric sponsors and a location! Instead of feeling like we're having a "student exhibit", we've been given the opportunity to have an actual fashion show for our first collections. I could talk about this forever, but just one last thing :) I'm taking a printing class in Como, Italy, and it's the most amazing experience of my life. For this collection (which I've been calling "Crunch"), I have designed my own prints which are in the process of being printed. Almost all of my fabrics are original designs. Can't wait!

Here are some pictures from Milano Carnival to satisfy your Exploratory craving...
Check it.

Duomo was paaaacked

Really? An umbrella?